Book Coaching
Everyone struggles with writing. But if you’re neurodivergent, your writing challenges may be different from the norm. You may have spent years trying to find someone who could even understand what wasn’t working.
It doesn’t have to be that way forever. Trust me. I’ve been there.
Understanding my writing process in terms of my autism and ADHD was a game changer for me as a writer. But as I came to understand neurodiversity more deeply, it became clear that humans with the same neurotype don’t all create the same way.
I am curious about your unique creative mind. How do you understand your process? What are you still trying to understand?
Questions like these drive my coaching process. I’ve come to understand my niche as defined by a marriage of technical expertise and empathetic listening.
Because while I’m a Certified Ghostwriter and book industry insider with experience in ghostwriting, professional writing, literary writing, and pretty much every possible type of editing, what really sets me apart is that I can understand you – the author.
What if you’re not writing a book? I would still be happy to work with you in creative coaching (contact me for details).
But if you are writing a book, here’s how I can help.
What you get
Our work together will normally begin with a consult call. I'll find out who you are as a person, what drives your project, and what aspects of the book are most important to you. We'll also discuss potential paths for publication and how your book will fit into the literary marketplace.
When it's appropriate, I will send you a project proposal, which will enable you to review our agreement in depth. Once you sign off, I'll send you a Dropbox folder for your documents. It's time for me to read what you've written!
Depending on where you are with your project, I may recommend we begin our work together with a manuscript review. For more on manuscript reviews, check out the Services page.
Don't worry if it's still a mess. That's what I'm here for. Messy writers are truly my people. 😉​
Coaching Calls
Each week, we'll meet for a 60-minute coaching session. We'll review whatever manuscript material you've sent me since last time, celebrating your wins and flagging any concerns.
I'll also keep an empathetic eye on your unique creative process, helping you identify what works for you. There's no precise timeline for developing a complete, cohesive manuscript, but I can help you avoid some of the pitfalls.
I'll also give you help that's tailored to your particular project stage. When you're writing a first draft, I'll help you nail the book's substance and energy. In revision, I'll help you prepare it for audience and agents.
Toward the end of the session, we'll discern your next steps together. Most of the time, we'll agree on a homework assignment that will tangibly move the project forward.
Feel free to send me up to 3000 words on any given week, at least two business days before our meeting.
Project Management
I'll tell you a secret. People in the creative writing world – that's where I'm from – tend to assume that if writing is hard for you, it's a craft problem. You just must not be good at this.
But for me, that was never the bottleneck. My limitations in writing were just like my limitations in life – they came from struggles with executive dysfunction.
Maybe you're the same.
Throughout the project, I'll help you discern how to follow what energizes you about your book – in a way that's realistic for your brain.
And I'll do it from the standpoint of a book industry insider.
Next steps
Pitching, querying, submissions – I'll help you navigate parts of the endgame that many writers find intimidating. I can also help you develop plans to promote and sell your book.

Your writing matters.
Please don't hesitate to get in touch. Use this form – or just email me at the address below!